Hey, Seniors! Are you auditioning for college theatre programs? Are you feeling overwhelmed? This post is for you. In the coming weeks, I will be posting several Vlogs with tips on how to prep for your college audition. The first nugget I want to share is about shifting your mindset and approach to auditioning. Check it out.
Tip #1 - Auditioning vs Performing
You aren't auditioning. You are performing.
I don't know about you, but the thought of auditioning can feel overwhelming, heavy, and just plan judgy. As an actor, my mental health drastically changed for the better when I went from thinking of having to audition to getting the opportunity to perform. Why are you auditioning? Why do you even want to be an actor? Name your why. My why is that I love to perform, and I want to make an impact with my artistic gifts. Go higher with your thinking and focus on what you love.
For me, my fear and anxiety set in around auditioning because I was worried about rejection. I was worried about what they would think. The fact of the matter is you can't control casting or what people think about your work. You can, however, control your mindset and focus on your why. I promise it will be a game changer once you surrender your fears and embrace what it is you love.
So, break a leg on your performance, friends.
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